September 08, 2014

Little Kingdom - Mrs. Witch figure tutorial

I've made just a little pause - it was first week of my kid's school and I had some work to do, but  I'm back with some new tutorials.
Today, I'll continue with my Little Kingdom tutorials, it's time for Mrs. Witch!

Make head, it is a bit egg-like shaped.

Make a large nose and attach it on Mrs. Witch's head.

Make the body. She's a bit crook backed.

Make hands and glue them on her body.

Finish eyes and draw eyelashes, eyebrows,  mouth and freckles. 

Attach head on the body.

Make a witch's hat and put it on her head.

And here she is on the cake!

There are few more tutorials left - Castle, Elf tree and Mrs. Witch's house
Check out Princess Holly, Nanny Plum and Elf Ben tutorials!


  1. Hi your tutorial on ben and holly figures is great! My daughter has asked for a ben and holly bday....are you able to show me wise old elf tutorial too pls.


    1. Thanks! Unfortunately, I didn't make Wise Old Elf for this cake. I will try to make one and publish it, but I don't know when I'll be able to do it. When is your daughter bday?

  2. Hi! great tutorials. thank you! Do you have more Little Kingdom Tutorials? Castle?

    1. Actually, I do :) I have tutorials for castle, Elf tree and witch house. I'll try and post it in few days...
